Create a webpage, divide the webpage into six frames. In one frame create five links that will display different HTML forms in the remaining five frames respectively.

Main HTML File

<!DOCTYPE html>



      <title>M2-R5.1 Set 5 Question 1</title>


<frameset cols=”*,*,*,*,*,*”>

<frame name=”a1″ src=”frame5.html”></frame>

      <frame name=”b1″></frame>

      <frame name=”b2″></frame>

      <frame name=”b3″></frame>

      <frame name=”b4″></frame>

      <frame name=”b5″></frame>



Link File

<!DOCTYPE html>






<a href=”cls10qu1.html” target=”b1″><h1>Inquary Form</a></h1>

<a href=”si.html” target=”b2″><h1>Addmission</a></h1>

<a href=”#” target=”b3″><h1>Exam Form</a></h1>

<a href=”#” target=”b4″><h1>Certificate Form</a></h1>

<a href=”#” target=”b5″><h1>Feedback Form</a></h1>

