Write a HTML code to divide browser window into two vertical section and divide each section into two parts with different colors-Purple and Green. On Purple side ‘NIELIT’ should be displayed and on Green side, ‘Practical Examination’ should be displayed with blinking.

Main Part

<!DOCTYPE html>



      <title>M2-R5.1 Question 1</title>


            <frameset cols=”*,*”>

      <frame name=”a1″ src=”green_frame.html”></frame>

      <frame name=”a2″ src=”purple_frame.html”></frame>



First Frame (Green side)

<!DOCTYPE html>



        <title>M2-R5.1 Question 1</title>

<style type=”text/css”>

        .blink {

                animation: blinker 1.5s linear infinite;

                color: white;

                font-family: sans-serif;


            @keyframes blinker {

                10% {

                    opacity: 0;






<body bgcolor=”green”>

        <h1 align=”center” class=”blink”>Practical Examination</font></h1>



Second Frame (Purple side)

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>M2-R5.1 Question 1</title>


<body bgcolor=”purple”>

<h1 align=”center”><font color=white>NIELIT</font></h1>

