About Lesson
For Loop :-
1. WAP to print ASCII value in table.
2. WAP to print the odd number between 1 to 100.
3. WAP to find the factorial.
4. WAP to display character from A to Z.
5. WAP to print the name for 5 times.
6. WAP to print first 10 natural numbers.
7. WAP to print first 10 natural numbers in reverse order.
8. WAP to print first N natural numbers.
9. WAP to print first N natural numbers in reverse order.
10. WAP to print first 10 even natural numbers.
11. WAP to print 10 odd natural numbers.
12. WAP to print first N even natural numbers.
13. WAP to check a number in prime or not.
14. WAP to print all prime number between two number.
15. WAP to print table of user choice.
16. WAP to calculate sum of first N even natural numbers.