Python Lab Assignment
Algorithm & Flowcharts
- Algorithm & flowchart to find sum of two numbers
- Algorithm & flowchart to find subtraction of two numbers
- Algorithm & flowchart to find multiplication of two numbers
- Algorithm & flowchart to represent your name
- Algorithm & flowchart to find square of number
- Algorithm & flowchart to find cube of number
- Algorithm & flowchart to find power of any number
- Algorithm & flowchart to swap two number using temporary (third) variable
- Algorithm & flowchart to swap two number without using temporary (third) variable
- Algorithm & flowchart to find simple interest
- Algorithm & flowchart to find compound interest
- Algorithm & flowchart to find area and perimeter of square
- Algorithm & flowchart to find area and perimeter of Rectangle
- Algorithm & flowchart to find area and perimeter of circle
- Algorithm & flowchart to find area and perimeter of Triangle
- Algorithm & flowchart to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Algorithm & flowchart to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius
- Algorithm & flowchart to find the smallest of two number
- Algorithm & flowchart to find the largest of two number
- Algorithm & flowchart to find the positive or negative number
- Algorithm & flowchart to check the entered number is even or odd
- Algorithm & flowchart to calculate total price it price is greater than 10000 then gives discount 10%
- Algorithm & flowchart to represent check entered number is divisible by 5 or not
- Algorithm & flowchart to represent to print last digit of a number
- Algorithm & flowchart to represent age is greater than 18 or not
- Algorithm & flowchart to represent check entered year is leap year or not
- Algorithm & flowchart to find the largest of three numbers
- Write Algorithm & flowchart to find the Smallest no b/w three numbers
- Algorithm & flowchart to find even number between 1 to 50
- Algorithm & flowchart to find odd number between 1 to n where n is a positive number
- Draw flowchart to find sum of number between 1 to 50
- Draw flowchart to represent sum of number even number between 1 to 50
- Draw flowchart to represent square of numbers between 1 to 20
- Draw a flowchart to print number from 50 to 1
- Draw a flowchart to print number of table of 2
- Draw a flowchart to present table of any input number
- Draw a flowchart to print sum of add number between 101 to 200
- Draw a flowchart to print sum of digits of a number
- Draw a flowchart to count the digit of a number
- Draw a flowchart to represent factorial of any number
- Draw a flowchart to print Fibonacci Series of first 5 numbers
- Draw a flowchart to represent perfect number
- Draw a flowchart to represent prime number
- Draw a flowchart to represent Palindrome number
- Draw a flowchart to represent Armstrong number
- Algorithm and flowchart to find sum of series 1+2+3+……n
- Algorithm and flowchart to find sum of series 1+3+5+……+n
- Algorithm and flowchart to find sum of series 1-x+x2-x3……xn