Text Editor Assignment

1 / 82

How many types of alignment available in wordpad ?

2 / 82

Which of the following is not a text editor?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन एक टेक्स्ट एडिटर नहीं है?

3 / 82

Notepad++ is which type of software
नोटपैड++ किस प्रकार का Software है

4 / 82

Which shortcut –key is used for Undo and a work in notepad ?

5 / 82

Which one of the following should we clicked to save the existing Notepad windows ?

6 / 82

What is maximum zoom in Wordpad?

7 / 82

Which shortcut –key is used to save file in Notepad ?

8 / 82

Which is not a valid encoding standard not present in Notepad++ ?
कौन सा वैध एन्कोडिंग मानक नहीं है नोटपैड++ में मौजूद नहीं है?

9 / 82

Shortcut keys to hide lines in Notepad++
नोटपैड++ में लाइनों को छिपाने के लिए शॉर्टकट कुंजियँ

10 / 82

Features of sublime text editor

11 / 82

Name any one text editor program
किसी एक टेक्स्ट एडिटर प्रोग्राम का नाम बताइए

12 / 82

In Notepad if page orientation in Vertical then they are in --------

13 / 82

Sublime Linter runs in different modes as mentioned below ?

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This feature in notepad ++ allows the user’s computer to dictate the written code.

15 / 82

In wordpad home and view is called ?

16 / 82

Wordpad does not contain this item of the group ----

17 / 82

Which of the following command available in format tab ?

18 / 82

To change Themes in Notepad++

19 / 82

The document map feature in Notepad++ helps the user by showing the entire program on the __ _ side of the screen and highlighting the section that the user is currently viewing .

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To set document Map in Notepad++

21 / 82

To compare file in Notepad++

22 / 82

Which text editor is in-built in windows operating system
विंडोज ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम में कौन टेक्स्ट एडिटर इन-बिल्ट है

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Various feature that are supported by sublime are as follows –

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What is minimum zoom size in Wordpad?

25 / 82

Which shortcut –key used to select all text in wordpad?

26 / 82

If you want to use another program inside the wordpad then which option will be use ?

27 / 82

Which shortcut – key is used to print the document in notepad ?

28 / 82

Which is Not a Text Editor software
कौन सा टेक्स्ट एडिटर सॉफ्टवेयर नहीं है

29 / 82

Which shortcut –key is used for “ Find next “ function in Notepad ?

30 / 82

Which menu in Notepad has only two options ,word wrap and font ?

31 / 82

What is the shortcut –key for special paste in Wordpad?

32 / 82

In Notepad if page orientation in Horizontal then they are in -----

33 / 82

Web page editors works on a ………principle

34 / 82

What features of Notepad ++ makes it better than Notepad ?

35 / 82

Which one of the following is not a text editor
निम्न में से एक टेक्स्ट एडिटर नहीं है

36 / 82

Which shortcut – key used for replace text in Notepad.

37 / 82

What is the default font style in wordpad?

38 / 82

The key – combination for Windows allows the user to spilt sections of code and create various paragraphs in sublime text editor

39 / 82

What should be clicked to open a previous saved file while working with Notepad application?

40 / 82

the on – demand mode in sublime text editor is activated using the shortcut

41 / 82

How many Tabs available in Notepad ?

42 / 82

Notepad++ was developed by _____ in September 2003 –

43 / 82

What is the default file extension of Wordpad ?

44 / 82

In sublime text editor the key –combination that allows you to select the blocks of lines and spilt them, on Windows .

45 / 82

What is Wordpad?

46 / 82

Ctrl+Shift+F is the shortcut key for ……………..in sublime text editor
Ctrl + Shift + F सबलाइम टेक्स्ट एडिटर में ................ के लिए शॉर्टकट कुंजी है

47 / 82

Which one of the following is not support by notepad?
निम्न में से एक नोटपैड के द्वारा सपोर्ट नहीं किया जाता है

48 / 82

If you copy and cut the text in Wordpad, they temporary stored in --------

49 / 82

How to close all files open in Notepad++
नोटपैड++ में खुली हुई सभी फाइलों को कैसे बंद करें?

50 / 82

Ctrl + Shift + P is the shortcut key to open …………in sublime text editor
Ctrl + Shift + P सबलाइम टेक्स्ट एडिटर में ------ ओपन करने की शॉर्टकट कुंजी है

51 / 82

Software applications used for creating web pages and web sites are called as……
वेब पेज और वेब साइट बनाने के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले सॉफ्टवेयर एप्लिकेशन को ----- कहा जाता है

52 / 82

Which shortcut –key is used to cut text from one place and paste them another place ?

53 / 82

Which one of the following is the correct way to open a notepad application ?

54 / 82

when the sublime linker key is set to _____ mode, linting is performed while saving the particular file in working repository.

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To Change Fonts in Notepad ++

56 / 82

which is the first text highlight color in wordpad?

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in the ____ mode ,the sublime linter will be set to true ,which sets up the linter to detect bugs , if any present in the code .

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Notepad ++ is a ____ code editor and Notepad replacement that support several languages.

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Which is shortcut –key is used to open saved file in Notepad ?

60 / 82

A basic word processor present in Windows is:

61 / 82

Which shortcut –key is used to open New file in Notepad ?

62 / 82

Notepad++ supports
नोटपैड++ सपोर्ट करता है

63 / 82

Which shortcut – key is used to select all the document in Notepad ?

64 / 82

Which shortcut –key is used to Goto in Notepad ?

65 / 82

What is the default file extension of notepad
नोटपैड का डिफॉल्ट फाइल एक्सटेंशन क्या है

66 / 82

To use column mode editing in notepad ++

67 / 82

In Wordpad .rtf stand for ----

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sublime text editor ,key – pattern that allows you to find a keyboard in a given project .

69 / 82

Which converter is present in Notepad++
नोटपैड++ में कौन सा कन्वर्टर मौजूद है

70 / 82

The key combination for Macthat , allows the user to spilt the sections of code and create various paragraphs in sublime text editor

71 / 82

If sentence is flowing out of screen in notepad , then which option is not active ?

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To Find and Replace in Notepad ++

73 / 82

Which is not an encryption algorithm not present in Notepad++
कौन सा एन्क्रिप्शन एल्गोरिथम नहीं है जो नोटपैड++ में मौजूद है

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Notepad++ was developed in the following language _

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Extension of wordpad file is
वर्डपैड फाइल का एक्सटेंसन है

76 / 82

Which shortcut key is used to duplicate the current line in Notepad++
नोटपैड++ में करंट लाइन को डुप्लीकेट करने के लिए किस शॉर्टकट की का उपयोग किया जाता है?

77 / 82

How many numbers of text highlight color is present.

78 / 82

To activate speech synthesis in notepad ++

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What is the Zooming Scale Range in Notepad ?

80 / 82

In ______ mode when the sublime linter key is set to true , linting is performed in the background constantly each time the file is modify

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when the sublime linter –key is set to ___ linting load save will be performed when a file is loaded from the repository

82 / 82

To enable Function List in Notepad++

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