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Text Editor (Chapter 2) M2-R5.1
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shortcut keys for Sublime


  • Ctrl + L: It is used to select the line.
  • Ctrl + X: It is used to cut the line.
  • Ctrl + D: It is used to select the word.
  • Ctrl + M: It is used to go to the matching parenthesis.
  • Ctrl + Enter: It is used to insert the line after.
  • Shift + Ctrl + Enter: It is used to insert the line before.
  • Shift + Ctrl + M: This shortcut key is used to select all the content of the current parenthesis.
  • Shift + Ctrl + UP: It is used to move the line or selection in the up direction.
  • Shift + Ctrl + Down: It is used to move the line or selection in down.
  • Alt + F2: It is used to select all bookmarks.
  • F2: It is used to select the next bookmark.
  • Shift +F2: It is used to select the previous bookmark.
  • Ctrl + F2: It is used to toggle the bookmark.
  • Ctrl + U: It is used to undo the previously performed action.
  • Ctrl + Y: It is used to redo the previously performed action.
  • Ctrl + J: It is used to join the line below to the end of the current line.
  • Ctrl + /: It is used to add or remove the comment on the current line.
  • Ctrl + ]: It is used to add indent on the current line.
  • Ctrl + [: It is used to remove indent on the current line.
  • Shift + Ctrl + V: It is used to paste and indent correctly.
  • Shift + Ctrl + /: It is used to block the comments on the current selection.
  • Shift + Ctrl + D: It is used to create duplicate lines.
  • Ctrl + Space: It is used to select the next autocomplete suggestions.
  • Ctrl + G: It is used to go to the line in the current file.
  • Ctrl + ;: It is used to goto word in the current file.
  • Ctrl + R: It is used to go to a symbol.
  • Ctrl + P: This shortcut key enables users to open the file by name quickly.
  • Ctrl + F: It is used to find the word.
  • Shift + Ctrl + F: It is used to find the word in the files.
  • Shift + F3: It is used to find the previous.
  • F3: It is used to find the next.
  • Ctrl + H: It is used to replace the selected word with a specified word.
  • Shift + Alt + 1: It is used to revert the view to a single column.
  • Shift + Alt + 2: It is used to split the view into two columns.
  • Shift + Alt + 5: It is used to set the view to the grid.
  • Shift + Ctrl +2: It is used to move files to group 2.
  • Ctrl + 2: It is used to jump to group 2.
  • Ctrl + Backspace: It is used to delete the word in the backward direction.
  • Ctrl + Del: It is used to delete the word in the forwarding direction.
  • Shift + Ctrl + K: It is used to delete the entire line.
  • Ctrl + KCtrl + U: It is used to convert the selected word or line in uppercase format.
  • Ctrl + KCtrl + L: It is used to convert the selected word or line the lowercase format.
  • Ctrl + KCtrl + Space: It is used to set the mark.
  • Ctrl + KCtrl + G: It is used to clear the applied mark.
  • Ctrl + KCtrl + A: It is used to select to mark.
  • Ctrl + KCtrl + X: It is used to switch the location with a mark.
  • Shift + Ctrl + [: It is used to fold the code.
  • Shift + Ctrl + ]: It is used to unfold the code.
  • Ctrl + KCtrl + J: It is used to unfold all.
  • Shift + Ctrl + L: It is used to split the selection into lines.
  • Ctrl + KCtrl + D: It is used to skip the selection.
  • Alt + Ctrl + UP: It is used to add a new line above with cursor.
  • Alt + Ctrl + Down: It is used to add a new line below with the cursor
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