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Web Site
- दो या दो से अधिकweb pageके collection को website कहते है। ये webpage आपस में एक दुसरे से link होते है अर्थात जुड़े होते है।
- ये वेब पेज विभिन्न प्रकार केइनफार्मेशनको स्टोर करके रखते है ये इनफार्मेशन text, ऑडियो, विडियो, इमेज और एनीमेशन के रूप में हो सकते है।
- Website के पहले Page को Homepage or Index page कहते हैं
- Examples of some websites are www.nielit.gov.in (NIELIT’s Website), www.facebook.com (Social networking site), www.google.com (search engine site), https://nielitexam.co.in (CCC/O’ Level Test Site), https://www.olevelnotes.com/ (CCC/O’ Level Hindi/English Notes Website).
Web Site
- A website is a collection of related web pages.
- It may contain text and other multimedia elements like images, graphics, videos etc.
- The website loads with its default web page called Home page of the website.
- The related web pages are linked together using concept of hyper linking and hyper text.
- A hyperlink is link or reference that points to another webpage or another location of same web page.
- A Hypertext is that text on webpage that contains hyperlink. When user move mouse over the hypertext, the shape of the mouse gets changed, and by clicking on hypertext, the user can move to another location.
- Actually the term hypertext has been now replaced with hypermedia because not only text but also images, video etc can be hyperlinked in the webpage.
- A website can be accessed by typing website’s name (known as domain name) in the address bar of the web browser (like Google chrome, Mozilla firefox etc).
- Examples of some websites are www.nielit.gov.in (NIELIT’s Website), www.facebook.com (Social networking site), www.google.com (search engine site), https://nielitexam.co.in (CCC/O’ Level Test Site), https://www.olevelnotes.com/ (CCC/O’ Level Hindi/English Notes Website).