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Types of Operators in Python
पायथन में ऑपरेटर कई प्रकार के होते है, जो निम्न हैं-
- Arithmetic operator
- Relational/Conditional Operators
- Logical/Boolean Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Membership Operators
- Identity Operators
Note:- increment (++) और decrement (–) operator python में नहीं पाया जाता है
Types of Operators in Python
There are many types of operators in Python, which are as follows-
- Arithmetic operator
- Relational/Conditional Operators
- Logical/Boolean Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Membership Operators
- Identity Operators
Note:- increment (++) and decrement (–) operator is not found in python