Types of Control System:-
कंट्रोल सिस्टम के निम्नलिखित प्रकार हैं।
Open Loop control system:-
वह कंट्रोल सिस्टम जिसका आउटपुट सीधे ही दिए गए इनपुट पर निर्भर करता हों ओपन लूप कंट्रोल सिस्टम कहलाता है। इसमें कोई फीडबैक कनेक्शन नहीं होता अर्थात इनपुट एवं आउटपुट के बीच कोई कनेक्शन नहीं होता यह environmental pollution से परिवर्तन होने वाले effect को सही नहीं कर सकता
Advantages of an open-loop control system:
- Open loop systems सरल हैं।
- ये economical हैं।
- Less maintenance की आवश्यकता है और difficult नहीं है।
Disadvantages of open loop control system:
- Open loop systems inaccurate हैं।
- ये system विश्वसनीय नहीं हैं।
- ये slow होते हैं।
- Optimization possible नहीं है।
- Washing Machine
- Electric Bulb
- Electric Hand Drier
- Time based Bread Toaster
- Automatic Water Faucet
- TV Remote Control
- Electric Clothes Drier
- Shades or Blinds on a window
- Stepper Motor or Servo Motor
- Inkjet Printers
- Door Lock System
- Traffic Control System
Types of Control System:-
Following are the types of control systems.
Open Loop control system:-
The control system whose output directly depends on the given input is called open loop control system. There is no feedback connection in it i.e. there is no connection between input and output, it cannot correct the effect of changes due to environmental pollution.
Advantages of an open-loop control system:
- Open loop systems are simple.
- These are economical.
- Less maintenance required and not difficult.
Disadvantages of open loop control system:
- Open loop systems is inaccurate
- These systems are not reliable.
- They are slow.
- Optimization is not possible.
- Washing Machine
- Electric Bulb
- Electric Hand Drier
- Time based Bread Toaster
- Automatic Water Faucet
- TV Remote Control
- Electric Clothes Drier
- Shades or Blinds on a window
- Stepper Motor or Servo Motor
- Inkjet Printers
- Door Lock System
- Traffic Control System