Important Notice:

Course Content
Heading Tag / Paragraph Tag
Horizontal Rules (HR element)
Font Element
Image Element
HTML Basic (Chapter 3) M2-R5.1
About Lesson

Strikethrough element:

किसी text के बीच रेखा कटी हुयी दिखाना है तो strike tag का इस्तेमाल होता है। strike tag को<strike> या फिर <s> से लिख सकतें हैं।

Example:- <s>welcome to Free O level Notes Website (</s>

<strike>welcome to Free O level test Website (</strike>

Strikethrough element:

The tag <s>………</s> is used to make the text to be strike out. The content of strikethrough tags would appear with a horizontal line over the text.

Example:- <s>welcome to Free O level Notes Website (</s>

<strike>welcome to Free O level test Website (</strike>

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