If Statement:-
JavaScript में If Statement का उपयोग कोड को executed करने के लिए किया जाता है। जब condition ‘true’ है तब if statement executes होता है, और अगर condition false है तो if statement execute नहीं होता है।
Syntax:- if (condition)
Questions:- 1. Wap to check you are child or not.
2. Wap to find greater value between two numbers
3. Wap to check you are driving a car or not.
If Statement:-
In JavaScript, If Statement is used to execute the code. When the condition is ‘true’ then the if statement is executed, and if the condition is false then the if statement is not executed.
Syntax:- if (condition)
Questions:- 1. Wap to check you are child or not.
2. Wap to find greater value between two numbers
3. Wap to check you are driving a car or not.