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Arduino Uno Online Practical Based Question
Arduino Uno Offline (Hardware) Practical Based Question
IoT Lab Assignment
About Lesson

While Loop :-

1. WAP to print 1 to 100 numbers.

2. WAP to print 15 to 50 numbers.

3. WAP to print Hello World 4 Times.

4. WAP to print first N odd natural number.

5. WAP to print first N even natural numbers.

6. WAP to print first 10 natural numbers.

7. WAP to print first 10 natural numbers in reverse order.

8. WAP to print first 10 odd natural number.

9. WAP to print first 10 even natural numbers.

10. WAP to find the factorial.

11. WAP to count digit in a number.

12. WAP to print the first N even natural number is reverse order.

13. WAP to sum of first N odd natural numbers.

14. WAP to sum of first N even natural numbers.

15. WAP to enter number and print the reverse order.

16. WAP to calculate sum of digit of a given numbers.

17. WAP to check palindrome numbers.

18. WAP to check Armstrong numbers (153, 1, 407, 370, 371).

19. WAP to find the sum of square of digit.

20. WAP to find the sum of cubes of digit.

21. WAP to display the given number in words.


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